Maxx In my case that is not a flicker of any kind. Still a mystery.
This is why we need all the possible data. There is no one single change, no one single underlying trigger but a set of them.
The display should not, here I agree with you completely, but it does. And majority do not react, so they either are not getting triggered or are able to compensate for it. Now when a person takes drugs that heavily affect the neural system and moves from unharmed category to reacting category, it may help to find out what is going on, what is affected. At least for some cases. It doesn't mean that it should be fixed by drugs. Or that something is wrong with our neural system.
For a simple example, my eyes have wider pupils than an average person. It is not a pathology, not an unhealthy state, simply less common. Now some drugs can also lead to this state. It is totally unconnected to the screen issue, I am just showing that a change in some parameter could be useful information.