ryans To see the monitor in action, I've uploaded some videos on Reddit comparing it to the Hisense Q5 tablet and the Dasung Paperlike Pro-F
Sun Vision Display Reflective LCD 32" 1080p 60hz monitor
Since it's been a few months, How is the experience holding up? The My Deep Guide youtube channel just released an introductory video on it and it seems mighty impressive, especially in sunlight.
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chahahc After a few months I'm still very satisfied with it, so much in fact that I'm not really using my Dasung Paperlike anymore. Only on days when the sky is very deeply overcast with gray clouds the experience has been subpar, but even on most overcast days the monitor is very usable as long as the monitor is slightly angled so that it has it easier to reflect daylight or overhead light. What also really helps is to have a keyboard shortcut handy to increase gamma (setting it to 2.0 works great in most situations), but from experience this is really only needed if you're watching movies or playing games.
I got used to white looking metalic gray and don't notice it all too often really. The brighter the environment is, for example when the sun shines, the more this issue is negligible though. If you can get direct sunlight onto the monitor, the picture looks pretty comparable to one from a regular monitor in my opinion. Finally, the internal settings for the monitor seem rather unfinished and operating them with the buttons being very hard to reach from the back is annoying, but gladly you really never need to operate them after checking them out once (or ever) or if you want to increase brightness/gamma if you have the monitor hooked up to devices which don't offer these settings themselves.
Lastly as I believe this is very decent product especially for people with light-based eye issues, I wish that the price comes down and they offer more sizes, especially ones which are more suitable for office environments, because at home I can set up conditions such that I can sit far away from a 32 inch monitor, which of course is not possible if you have to share a space with other people.
Haven't watched the video from My Deep Guide yet, but interested how other people perceive the monitor.
I see. I also just realized something. The default state of normal backlit mentors when off is a black screen whereas the default state of this monitor is a white screen. When the monitor is off is the display at it's full 255,255,255 white screen?
chahahc when the monitor is off, it is as you said "white" (or actually gray like with a Game Boy that is turned off). Actually a regular backlit monitor that is turned off is also "white" (or more correctly transparent as each pixel is set to let light through completely), but it appears black, because the LCD panel itself is grayish transparent if viewed through normal daylight, but as the LCD panel is right on top of the LED panel, it is so dark between LCD and LED panel that the monitor appears black when also the LED strip from the panel behind it is turned off. However, a VA panel does in fact look completely black if it's turned off even if you hold it against daylight, but I don't know why that is (even if it's turned on while being held against daylight makes it look black)
seeker_of_no_light nice insight.
Pretty interesting that RLCD whites appear metallic grey. Might have to do with the reflective coating on the pixels. Would be really cool to a see a macro shot of the pixel layout.
I agree more sizes would be good. SVD is, of course, off to a great start, but consumer ready laptop or phone sized screens would be a dream.
Thank you so much for all your responses. I don't suppose if I could ask another favor of you regarding the monitor. There seems to be some discussion on reddit and the youtube comments about some apparent flickering of the monitor that is visual on the My Deep Guide Video at the outdoor testing portion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehqj0W3koP0&t=1797s. Which seems rather bizarre considering that something that might cause that, like black frame insertion or low persistence, on a monitor in this application would be counterproductive. Would you be able to confirm whether or not it's the monitor that's flickering of just an artifact of the camera?
chahahc I really need to research how I could reliably test if the screen has black frame insertion or not. From what I know, monitors that use BFI employ it by using PWM, that is, turning off the backlight, which this monitor obviously can't do. Of course I don't discount that the same couldn't be done by inserting an actual frame where every pixel was set to black (a type of BFI which isn't really used in the monitor industry), but inserting a black frame for a monitor that only does 60 Hz refresh rate would rather be counterproductive for a monitor solely reliant on ambient light, because that could/would yield decreased brightness.
Still I'm curious on whether this was the case. However, it could take some time to do that as I would probably need a camera that can record at 120 frames per second which I unfortunately do not own.
Indeed that's why I was so perplexed at the flickering. I just couldn't think of why they would implement any of those things in this monitor. Funnily enough right after I wrote that post My Deep Guide posted his full video review of the monitor and showed with a 480fps recording that there is indeed no flickering https://youtu.be/XQms-iHX9RQ?t=418. So the first video that showed flickering indeed seems like it was just some weird camera aberration. Which begs the question, what kind of camera aberration would cause such a thing.
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I have the Sun Vision monitor now. I will post my impressions when I have more time with it, but let me know if you have any questions.
I am testing on known good (for me) setup with Windows 10 2015 LTSB and Intel Integrated graphics. I do use Kepler series Nvidia cards to game on occasion but they are not quite as comfortable (but not terrible like newer Nvidia cards). I expect the Sun Vision monitor will pass along any OS or graphics card level strain.
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This monitor is fantastic. There are no flicker symptoms on a good setup.
It does pass through strain from bad OS, GPU and software as expected.
However, it eliminates a major factor in eyestrain which is spectrum and flicker. To otherwise eliminate these issues you would need to find a Quantum Dot monitor or TV with low ripple and pixel inversion, etc.
I cannot recommend it enough if you have a good setup you want to amplify.
If you are trying to make a bad setup tolerable e-ink MAY be a better option (unsure, @ensete already mentioned modern Windows causes him strain on e-ink, which is very concerning).
I still need to set up a proper lighting situation for evenings though, which I mentioned in some other posts pertaining to LED strip lighting.
Having a good setup, I only find myself turning to e-ink when it is dark. E-ink is legible with much less light (I have NOT messed with the settings on the Sun Vision yet).
degen is bad setup tolerable with this monitor? How long you are able to work in front of monitor comfortably with bad setup?
Where can you buy this monitor?
You can only buy it from their website (sunvisiondisplay.com) and there's a likelihood that you get onto a waiting list, because they produce the monitor in batches.
seeker_of_no_light I think it must only be available in the US, right? I can't even access their website from here (Spain).
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denise_eca It says
International ordering is not available via the web.
If you are trying to place an international order please contact us at either sales@sunvisiondisplay.com or +1-224-268-3343
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denise_eca that's weird that you can't access it - try to google the company name and try to access their website like that, but they do sell and ship the monitor internationally (as for me, I bought it from Germany). The procedure of ordering it was a bit different for non-US customers, because their checkout form didn't allow to choose a destination outside of the US (don't know if they have changed it since then), but using their contact form and notifying them of the issue, they have taking good care to get my monitor shipped as soon as possible once I paid their invoice (unfortunately you have to expect to pay a hefty customs tax bill afterwards).
Edit: I see I got ninja'd but it seems you still have to contact them directly for a non-US purchase.