ensete Unfortunately all of a sudden, this solution ha failed for me and my symptoms are right back to where they were, with no explanation
Sorry to hear that, but, to be honest, I am not surprised. 14 months ago I changed job and I was given a W10 laptop. I thought I would not make it. For a few days I had spasms not only in my eyelids but even my triceps and low back, not to mention the eye and neck strain. The symptoms slowly subsided. The eye and neck strain went on for a while longer, but after a month I had almost no issues. Now the very same laptop has become horrible after a BIOS update. At Windows level everything is the same as before. The display refresh rate has always been 60 Hz, so I do not think the refresh rate is my problem. In the past I used multiple PCs on W10 without major problems. I am quite sure the monitors were run at a refresh rate of 60 Hz. I am not saying that 144 Hz or 360 Hz would not help. I doubt that is the answer to my disability.
I still think that talking to someone who develops Windows is a super added value.
ryans I wonder if this is a brain adaptation thing.
As I said before, somehow my eyes adjusted to my W10 laptop a year ago, as they had adjusted to my Oukitel phone two years ago. I have been running all possible updates on the phone for two years without experiencing any difference. In both cases I do not recall a precise moment when the device became usable. It was a very gradual process.
On the other hand, in the past I worked for three years on a PC and a laptop, both on W7, which gave me constant issues. The only improvement over months was that I could manage the symptoms better at the end of the day. There was another shared computer, nominally the same as mine and using the same model of monitor, which was very gentle on my eyes instead. I figured out when I was about to leave that there was at least one difference between that computer and my PC. The graphics card.
Further on brain adaptation, as I posted elsewhere, my orthoptist had suggested stopping with loose prism exercises for 6 months. I just resumed exercising and I can confirm that I have not maintained what I had learnt. I cannot carry out the exercises anymore using a high power prism.