• Health
  • Are your strain symptoms better when you have a fever?

denise_eca For me it’s the other way around, just before I get sick I can feel in my eyes that it hurts more. Then one or some hours later I can feel the fever/sickness.

The last few days have been hot, and we have been in the cottage with old fans. My eyes doesn’t like that, and it feels like I have got an eye inflammation.

I also have troubles with my sinuses, and I am not the only one on this forum with that. I think there is some people on this forum that have problems with there sinuses but haven’t discover that yet.

Yes, that was the case recently for me. Was a bit sick or allergic, I don't know and the headaches were almost gone.

Thanks for your comment, Mike. Sometimes it looks like each person has something different, but somehow presents the same symptoms…

I have a long history of sinus infections and inflammation. In the past, I noticed the onset of mild eyestrain coincidentally with sinus attacks. However, my eyes' condition has never been as bad as these days with no improvement - actually more of a constant decay - since last February, and I have not had once a sinus issue or a cold since early 2020, clearly because of the wearing of a mask and all the other COVID-related hygiene habits. I should add that my eye symptoms have become worse in spite of doing visual therapy for the past year and a half, and visiting specialists such as orthoptists and neuro-ophthalmologists, that I had never consulted before.

So, no, I am not sure there is an evident link between my sinuses and my eye strain. Perhaps an illness such as a cold may aggravate my eyes' condition, but my eyestrain is definitely caused by other triggers than sinus inflammation.

    23 days later

    Maybe it's because your immune system is very active at this moment and you're pumping lots of cortisol so that you can handle more easily anything that was threatening your body or health before. Having a fever is an immune system reaction.

    Oh my goodness! I felt the thing exactly. The day I had my worst covid symptoms was the day I felt the most productive since I couldn't feel my headaches at all.

    I remember getting so much work done that day.

    Im not sure if we have the same type of headache, but have you been able to find something that has helped you so far?

      kidCurry I have been using a USB-C external monitor with my MacBook Air.. It helped a bit, but after longer periods I still get eye strain and headaches.

      But it is very interesting that the symptoms were better when we had fever…

      AGI So, no, I am not sure there is an evident link between my sinuses and my eye strain

      I believe there is. The most common co morbidity I have found with people with our condition is sinus problems.

      I have only ever heard of 2 people who were 100% cured of our condition, each was cured after having unrelated pallete and sinus surgeries.

      I believe the nerve pathways that our symptoms travel through run through the sinus and pallete area. they are highly ennervated


        It happens I do indeed have sinus problems. But why do recent screens trigger symptoms but former ones do not.

          ensete I should add that Dr. da Silva does write about links with sinus problems and his postural deficiency syndrome.

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            14 days later

            ensete I never considered sinus surgery after witnessing horrible side effects and no results among relatives/friends (those episodes are quite dated and meanwhile there have been technological advances for sure, but the memories are too vivid).

            Also, I have had nearly no sinus inflammation for three years now, but my eyestrain has never subsided.

            ensete pallete area

            Could you please say a bit more about this type of surgery? That is the mouth, right? You mean someone went in to fix something in his palate and came out seeing better?

            ryans postural deficiency syndrome

            Can you please provide a link? Cheers!

            13 days later

            you wont feel anything when your body is working 100% cuz too much blood flow and much nerval messages even if you got stabbed with a knife you wont feel it but once your body get relaxed you will feel every thing so bad

            8 days later

            My LED sensitivity also went away recently during the 8 days that I had a recurrent low fever (100-101F) during a very nasty respiratory infection. I don’t know what the virus was - my whole family had it but repeatedly tested negative for Covid and one of us also tested negative for flu and RSV. We heard kids here were showing up at the hospital with similar breathing issues from rhinovirus at the same time, so that’s a possibility.

            Before getting sick, I had a little pressure behind my right eye that was residual from too much flicker exposure a few weeks before - a typical long-lasting symptom for me. As the fever started, I felt the flicker head pressure noticeably drain away within several minutes. My head felt unusually clear - all of the flicker-induced brain fog was gone during those 8 days. I was able to use screens without issue throughout the fever for the first time since my flicker sensitivity started in 2018. My inflammatory response was definitely quite active elsewhere in my body during the illness in both expected and unusual ways. I’ve suspected that my flicker head pressure might be due to inflammation, so maybe there was too much else going on during the fever for the inflammatory response to bother with flicker. If the infection hadn’t been unusual and a bit scary, I would have said that my head was better off during a fever than weeks post-flicker exposure. Once the fever broke, the head pressure returned over the next 2 days, with infrequent, strong spikes of pain that were different than anything I’ve experienced before. During those 2 days, I also had trouble getting sufficient blood flow to my brain - I had to lay down with my feet propped up or very actively move my skeletal muscles to promote venous blood return. The rest of my family just had very bad colds without my additional bizarre symptoms- I wonder if/how my over-sensitized system might have played a role in that difference. Luckily I’m back to normal again, but also back to “normal” in terms of being extremely sensitive to flicker.

            You likely did have covid, glad you made a recovery. A lot of the RATs aren't working well with the omicron variants, and there's been tips saying to swab the back of your throat, or save the mucus, etc. for the test to help it test +.

            I have long-standing sensitivities to VOCs and HAPs (fumes), and if I have a fever I am less sensitive to them. I do have inflammation. I also have some eczema, and if I have a fever the itching stops until the fever goes away.. so..

            I noticed the same effect couple of times while I was sick with a fever. I wonder if it was the work of paracetamol or the fever but I believe it was the latter.

            denise_eca Hello, I think it might be connected, as the heat in the body may release the muscle tension in the eyes, which is often the base of our problems. I have recently started going to a sauna regularly and I feel that it also helps with my eyes a lot. However, without the visual therapy I doubt that would really solve anything, as much as it serves as a good reset of the whole system.

            Feel free to check my blog, I try to summarize all that helped me there hoping it will help other people too - heteroforie.webnode.cz

              martin the heat in the body may release the muscle tension in the eyes, which is often the base of our problems. I have recently started going to a sauna regularly and I feel that it also helps with my eyes a lot.

              I used to do sauna / hammam regularly 10-15 years ago. I never noticed any correlation with my eye problems. Three years ago when my symptoms worsened I went several time to hot springs and did sauna / hammam as well. No change at all in my eye condition. However, about heat, a couple of years ago the acupuncture specialist who was trying to soothe my eye pain suggested applying on my eyes a heat pad for 10-15 minutes to relax the muscles. He recommended a self-heating product I could easily buy at any convenience store. I applied the pad and had considerable discomfort afterwards. I could not move my eyes freely, I developed eyestrain and also my neck began tensing up. I thought I was probably sensitive to the scent the heat pad came with. I never used that product anymore. Last year I saw multiple times a dry eye specialist. She analyzed my meibomian glands. Overall the glands were well but I do not remember if the ones on the upper or the bottom lid were a bit dormant, not secreting enough oil. She applied heat with some special googles for 5-10 minutes. Oil secretion increased and my vision went slightly blurry. I was told that that was normal, but then for many hours I had eyestrain and neck tension. I did not pay much attention to this episode, until the specialist asked me to use a microwavable heat pad daily to enhance oil secretion from the glands. After a couple of applications per day for 2-3 days I got so much eyestrain and discomfort that I could barely do anything. I even returned a brand-new TV thinking that it was the cause of my eye strain :-( Finally, it turned out that the heat pad was the problem. It increased blood flow to my eyes and caused severe inflammation. Since then I have avoided heating up the area around my eyes.

              For me, I don’t have any eyestrain or eye muscle involvement in my LED symptoms - and an expert in BVD confirmed today after their specialized exam that I don’t have any binocular vision disorder at all (as expected for me since I don’t have correlating symptoms). I doubt that it was the 1.4 degree increase in body temperature itself that made the pressure in my head from from flicker drain away and not restart during the days with fever. The flicker sensitivity was absent throughout the 8 days that my temperature was going up and down, even in the mornings when my temperature tended to be normal. I think it’s more likely that the complex systemic inflammatory processes started by the fever (changing circulating immune protein levels and immune cell localization, etc) did something to short circuit the pressure in my head caused by flicker. I was very sick and the inflammatory processes due to the illness were very present throughout those 8 days. I guess it’s possible the slight temperature change mattered too, even if the timing of the two didn’t quite match

              I’m glad heat might help for some of the people who do have eye muscle symptoms.

              a month later

              Liberator005 that's a very good question. Maybe new generation of monitors etc… affects our nervous system?
