drima55 Well I assumed the same. But all the phones since the X have given me migraines, vertigo, brain fog etc.. ive tried X, Xs, 11, 12 pro, 12 pro max.. and returned them all (several times, from several attempts) but the 13 pro max was fine, it didnt give me a headache once in a space of a month using it every day as main device. (I did return due to brain fog) and that has a low refresh similar to the XS max which was awful for me.
So last week I tried the 13 pro and within a few minutes, I felt a dizzy, went home and had a headache. so frustrating. Ive felt rubbish since. The pro max's effect me less but the small ones with a higher refresh give me the worst headaches. So I think it just varies for everyone. Currently using an iPhone 8 plus lol.. I was hoping the 14 pro max with the LTPO screen would be better but n thinking other wise.