Donux Yeah maybe. I'm still trying to figure that out. I was using my Samsung 2494 CCFL LCD for about a year with no eye strain and then it randomly developed a green hue and color banding a few days ago and I decided to put my Acer VA LED back to the right position. But even then I still feel like I've been having more issues after my last post. Could EMFs actually be involved? What kind of EMFs can monitors produce?
Anyway, I opened up my Samsung 2494 monitor, blew on the video processing PCB and reseated the internal display cable on both ends, and miraculously the green hue and color banding are completely fixed. First time I have ever been successful in a monitor repair or modification attempt.
I am very happy about this repair success because I have used this type of Samsung CCFL LCD for my main monitor for over a decade and really do not want to switch until I can buy an affordable OLED/MicroLED monitor where there is no chance of backlight color temperature being a problem. I have given up on all of the modern LCD panels because it always seems like something is wrong. My Samsung is just nicer to look at. It has the typical greenish backlight temperature and a coarse grey colored matte coating. Despite being tech from 2008 and having PWM, it's really good.
I do still think I'm having circulation issues in that side of the room regardless of the monitor. I will probably need to buy a second fan and place it in the corner facing the direction the existing air current goes.
There are some OLED monitors now at the size I would want. Any of them actually good? With them now reaching around $500 open box, $100-200 OLED monitors may not be that far off in the future.