Maybe if you post videos and pictures of the product that might get more people to participate in the discussion and give you some useful feedback…

    Looks promising. Make sure the panel does not use FRC nor any other image processing, and that pixel inversion flicker is as low as technically possible. I think these 3 are the remaining monitor hardware eye strain factors if backlight is taken out of the equation.


      Hello! Yes, I agree with you. I originally added an image but I'm not sure why it wasn't posted.

      Here is an image of the Eazeye monitor:

      If this doesn't work, I've hyperlinked the website here. (

      Good job! keep it going 🙂 You should share video about your prototype or so, that would be awesome!

        VERY interesting. When can I buy one? How much does it cost?

          Pretty cool, if it's just a prototype at this stage I would suggest adding a DisplayPort. There's no royalties required for it compared to HDMI.

            Do you have plans for bigger displays, like 27"? 24 for me (graphics and video editing) is just too small.


              Hi! The Eazeye uses an IPS panel rather than a TFT panel, so it doesn’t use FRC and there should be no concern regarding image processing. The Eazeye uses DC power so there shouldn’t be any flickering – even with the LED’s on. Thanks for the comment! 


                You can go to the website,, and put down a deposit to reserve the product now. If you reserve it now, you’ll get the monitor at an early-bird price of $439. Our team is currently working on the 4th prototype, so the product should be ready soon enough! 


                Hey there! Our team is working on the fourth prototype at the moment and the Eazeye currently has an HDMI port, so we don’t think the display port would be necessary. If we were to add a DP Port at this stage, we would have to redesign the circuit board since it won’t fit into the bezel (the black bar at the bottom of the monitor). Regardless, thanks for your comment and we’ll definitely consider it if we find ourselves needing to create another prototype! 

                Is it going to be true 8 bit or true 10 bit ? Because here almost everyone have issues with dithering (FRC) tech. 😃

                • JTL replied to this.

                  madmozg If I were to guess, it would most likely be true 8 bit, and they did say "doesn't use FRC".

                  ryans Just a different technology. The Sun Vision is a reflective LCD and the Eazeye is not, it's transmissive. The light goes through the back toward you, and with the SV it goes toward the screen then bounces back toward you.


                  🙁 for IPS, I can't tolerate the glow (not the source of the light, just the unequal proportion of light on the screen), TN are only panels I can tolerate (more comfortable for reading even than Dasung e-ink due the glare on the cheap plastic on it)

                  nvm, I'd still chip in for this project, you might move the needle for rest of the people on this forum. Thank you

                  PS: Please do not put a shiny plastic around it, nor include front led (on indicator), as that is a source of discomfort for many of us, tho it's fixable with black athletic tape 😃

                    5 days later


                    Hey there! The reflector panel actually diffuses the light evenly onto the screen. The Eazeye doesn’t have a shiny plastic wrap or a front LED so that shouldn’t be a worry. Thank you so much for your support!

                    5 months later

                    Hello @createaz I've done the deposit for the pre-order. When will the product be available for purchase?

                    a month later

                    LED monitors make me dizzy, and that's affecting my performance at work. Today was a very difficult day for me and I felt so discouraged and sad about my situation. I'm afraid of losing my job. This post cheered me up and gave me hope. Thank you for thinking in us!
