All the below answers are specific to my condition, but I believe apply to most people here
1- Has anyone ever tried filming their pupils when looking at a bad screen with like a macro camera or something and compare it to when looking at a good scree? Surely, by seeing what is happing to our eyes themselves, we might at least be able to tell a bad screen right away. - The issue is not an eye problem, it's a brain problem. I've had more eye exams than you can count, including having an optometrist monitor them when looking at an offending screen. Nothing.
2- My moms a doctor and even though she blames all my life problems on bad friends, my pc and the PlayStation which of course is her general term for every single console from the Super Nintendo to Xbox to PS5 and even though she is clueless about PWM and TD but among her diagnosis one was interesting. She said maybe my eye muscles have literally become so thick due to experiences these flickers for so many years that they just get easily burnt out. Has any of the doctors you've gone too ever had such a diagnosis. Again, the issue is a brain issue, cause by either trauma to the brain (car accident, injury) or genetic neurological condition I don't think a video game console would have any impact on anything
3- I remember the first time I smoked weed everything in front of me started moving like in parties when there is a flashlight flickering, like I saw a bunch of still images. Has that ever happened to anyone when they've smoked? And have you ever felt smoking weed might have amplified your symptoms as it does increase focus. Never had that happen, and weed offered slight releif from the migraine pain once triggered, but not enough to make it worth the downside of weed
4- Do any of you have high blood pressure, or diabetes or eczema and maybe found a relation between those and this pain that we get? Like taking pills for those making it easier to withstand these pains? No, but I have seen a very high correlation of people with sinus issues and out vision issues. I have only ever met one person who was cured of our condition and it was after he had unrelated palette surgery on the roof on his mouth. My theory if the nerve dysfunction at the root of all this runs through that area
5- Have your symptoms gone away or weakened with age and with your eyesight becoming weaker or do they just keep getting worse? Gotten better with age. My neurologist believes I will eventually "age out" of this in my 60's
6- Have any of you actually gone up to like official Nvidia and AMD stores and brought up the subject? I've talked to Apple, Microsoft, Google, and AMD about this. Even used some higher tier support channels due to access I get from work. They don't care. I will tell you now, you should not hold out any hope of them giving the slightest shit about us or fixing the issue. This number f people this impacts is less than a rounding error to them.