fool34 A feisty one. But you do raise some interesting points I don't entirely disagree with either.

For the benefit of others here as well. I will address some of them.

I got redirected to this site after searching for help into my GPU-related problems

What GPU-related problems?

They sent me into a community that thrives on pointless theorizing without a shred of substance.

For better or worse this forum is currently structured as an open discussion barring some code of conduct.

The problems they blabber about have persisted for years with no resolution in sight, making it a breeding ground for perpetual frustration.

I concur that at this point ad-hoc discussions aren't the best format towards guiding empirical research and development.

Instead of attempting to fix the problem, this forum seems more interested in compiling a pointless list of every electronic device that might have some strain-giving element.

When this forum was conceived in ~2015 the (major) causes of known issues at the time were somewhat easier to enumerate (i.e PWM, excess blue light, some known GPU related output issues) and to workaround. Unfortunately since with changes in both hardware and software causing unknown implications for the resulting visual output and no easy way to test differences it doesn't make research and development towards solutions trivial. Seemingly even the tech companies themselves have issues investigating, let alone the public at large.

LedStrain is a community of people with similar issues, desperately seeking solutions, yet achieving nothing.

People have seen their lives unravel due to companies implementing harmful elements in products

And what do you do? Sit there and take it — pathetic.

I'm not happy about the status quo with the lack of research towards about this issue either. And I've written as much in the past and strongly suggest you give it a read while you're here.

What do you propose to do differently? Unsurprisingly from what I've seen with past efforts merely attempting to approach companies through normal public channels (e.g customer support) with vague complaints of eye strain gets you absolutely nowhere. But I suspect with empirical research in hand and the right connections to the right people it gets you further along, if not towards engineering of solutions.

It's a community that's not just ineffective but actively contributing to the frustration of those genuinely seeking solutions.

Let me say something while I'm here. In the past I wanted to acquire some "known good" and "known bad" setups otherwise rendering (supposedly) identical content for research. Unfortunately the past COVID situation was a major blocker that created several challenges towards such a project. I've also attempted to privately solicit several users to donate suspected "bad" hardware for research but due to logistical issues I haven't exactly had any clear takers. Even after doing all that I would need to have a method to compare every potential variable between a "good" and "bad" setup. Not easy to do either. But if by some miracle someone fulfills those requirements it would get us much further along then the stasis of the current situation.

fool34 I get your frustration - we all feel it too, to an extent. I also agree that you won't find many robust solutions here based on well designed, double-blind clinical trials - this is a community of mainly lay persons who have ended up here out of sheer desperation and exasperation, because that research by either medical experts or display technologists doesn't appear to be being done.

I'm not sure what you expected from an internet message board. I'm also not sure why you didn't just move on without taking the time to spew some bile. I am, however, looking forward to your 'practical solutions'.

  • JTL replied to this.

    Vip because that research by either medical experts or display technologists doesn't appear to be being done.

    Some of us here are interested in conducting empirical R&D towards this issue, but that requires a robust methodology of all potential factors and the resources (in terms of equipment) to get it done. Not easy, and that's an understatement.

    • [deleted]

    Yes the progress is very slow. I suggested a “research” approach a long time ago in which a database should be built to analyze the problem but the community do not seem to get it.

    A problem that is quite hard to study like this will always require extensive data, there is no other way around that. We failed from the very first step of pinpointing the problem. In this regard, notebookreview is now years ahead of us. This forum remains to be individuals ranting about themselves without any proper approach, hence the slow progress.

    Feel free to leave then. Nobody asked you here, you came here of your own free will. And who is this 'they' you keep talking about.

    I have found this forum very useful. Particularly the lists of which devices to avoid. They've saved me a small fortune. It gets very expensive buying and then having to sell on devices you've tried that didn't work out.

    There isn't a solution because the solution would be extremely expensive and no one in monitor development is doing that. You would need to take a huge group of people prone to headaches/strain and a control group and then test them on different devices and control for the source as well over several several days.

    No corporation cares enough to do that since this isn't an issue affecting most people, so we're just trying to help each other out anecdotally where we can.

    This forum introduced me to a coping method (patching) that directly allowed me to continue to have a career that allows me to support my family. It's the single most valuable thing I have ever gotten off the internet, ever.

    23 days later

    he's not wrong, the fool.. and yet there is value here among the circular motion.

    fool34 And what do you do? Sit there and take it — pathetic. It's a community that's not just ineffective but actively contributing to the frustration of those genuinely seeking solutions.

    So we should do… what?

    • JTL replied to this.

      wlmsn I realize it's not exactly actionable, but I did write some of my own thoughts regarding research and development up above and would be willing to consider any feedback.

      Nice letter. Probably 1 brightness workaround would be to switch to another profile, adjust it, then switch back.

      Donux Do you have a link for this? I want to add to the number of likes.

      • Jack replied to this.