I had migraine and some neuralgia symptoms before arriving at my medical school, but nothing even close to what this physical environment does to me.
Part of the issue is definitely related to the BARCO projection systems that they use, which do cycle red-green-blue……color banding from hell when I attempted to record a "lab" lectures with slides one day….
Computer screens definitely contribute to the eye strain, exhaustion, prime the painful left temple….etc. but being under the overhead LED's and blinded by the BARCO projectors puts me into a complete fight or flight response - documented by my Cardiologist as Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia (a Dysautonomia cousin of POTS) triggered by the exposure to this environment.
All the lighting on campus physically hurts….my face throbs - specifically worse and more painful on left side - which is the side of my MVA impact, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, cervicogenic pain/head and throughout upper back and throughout my face and skull…..all of which is consistent with your theory Jne - jen - of neuroinflammation in the trigeminal ganglion - left temple for me. It's definitely a key part of the mechanism of this torture.
I simply do not have the TIME nor bandwidth thanks to the constant pain I'm in, to jump into a reporting process that looks time-consuming and learning curve steep…..I'm a medical student trying to learn and pass tests so that eventually I'll be able to help others like me….
Ironically going to medical school has already been one of the most painful and stressful things I've ever done, due to the intense lack of support and active hostility towards me and my disability….
I suspect that we are all experiencing the effects of these photosensors that were discovered in the past 20 or so years: ipRGC's….
Trying to learn about these and use that as a class related project
More as I'm able….back to school stuff and legal stuff - related to the ADA issues at school - for now.
I'm so grateful to have found you all.