async If symptoms reliably show up in the same spot it would be fairly trivial to check what is going on with EEG and MRI.
Thanks so much for the ideas! The pressure is focused in my temple, but expands to include a larger area when LED injuries have been more severe, including inflammation closer to the eye and probably the ear too, as I can develop vestibular/balance impairment. Sometimes it expands to include pain in my jaw or along my cheek on the bad side. Brainfog/short-term memory impairment, insomnia, and nausea are common with LED injury for me. With enough time away from screens/LEDs, the symptoms all go away. I need to keep things at a level where symptoms are gone or extremely low with only a little head pressure, as debilitating brainfog starts next.
I've been checked out by many doctors in the past, but unfortunately don't have a safe way to do any further testing now that all of the medical facilities here have installed LEDs. 2 MRIs showed "no structural basis for headache" and an EEG was also normal. Unfortunately these were just normal MRIs, not fMRIs and I was fairly symptom-free during both of them since they have to be scheduled way in advance so I happened to be in a period of having avoided LEDs for long enough that my symptoms had subsided. I've asked, but doctors have said there isn't a system to do evaluations when I'm actually experiencing symptoms. Really annoying. A neuroopthalmologist has detected peripheral blindness on my bad side when I was exposed to the LED lights in his office (and then about a week of concussion-like symptoms), but it wasn't present on a later visit when the lights were kept off. My speculative theory is that maybe there was inflammation that created pressure on nerves in the visual system.
@"async"#p34507eye tracking with micro saccades
I know many people on this forum experience eyestrain, but I don't , with the exception of one day with especially intense head pressure/swelling that had expanded to create tightness around my eye that made it hard to move my eye from side-to-side. LEDs often trigger pain and initiate concussion-like symptoms for me even when my eyes are closed and/or I'm wearing a blackout sleep mask, so it doesn't seem like my eyes need to be doing any tracking for brain injury to occur.
I'm happy to chat more about theories via DM.