• Hardware
  • Intel confirmed no dithering on Intel arc a770

jordan changed the title to Intel confirmed no dithering on Intel arc a770 .

Its been a while, but in my testing with a capture card + analysis I've not found windows to ever introduce dithering, only GPUs.

    Seagull What's weird is a member here tried 1809 vs 2004 and 2004 had pixel flickering while 1809 did not hmm

    Seagull windows will definitely introduce its own dithering on Windows 11 2022 Update and later if acm is enabled

    Windows 10 is less well researched though, not sure about anything related to 10

    Anyone tried this to enable/disable windows 11 acm?



    Once you have the tool downloaded follow the instructions in the first link and run the below in command prompt (admin mode) and restart pc:

    vivetool /disable /id:36371531

    Query to see if ACM is disabled:

    vivetool /query /id:36371531


      Even with that tool, I still can't get the acm feature to appear in advanced display settings. Maybe because I'm not on the insider build or previewing latest windows features. Reddit users report similar:



        I also tried to enable acm with my RTX 3060 but without success. Tried to enable it with the command and tried with regedit, both failed.

        I’m on the latest Windows 11 build.

        Please let me know if I’m missing something


          Same here.

          I think we both also don't have the Overdrive function in the Vantage software. Do you have CPU overclock in the bios? I'm missing features and I updated the bios to the latest version. So weird.


            I have overdrive in vantage and I leave it off. Running bios version: KWCN42WW


              I am running windows 11 23H2. It seems it is out of end-user control. At least when I run the query command it says that the "state" is disable for ACM. Have you noticed anything different in the gradient banding test chart? After playing with this tool to enable then disable acm, I no longer notice some slight color shifts in blooey's banding test chart. I notice this when I toggle ditherig settings from disable dithering to enabling spatial dithering. So it seems that I've enabled acm even when it is reported as disabled through vivetool. 🙁


              I see. My bios is KWCN18WW

              I'm missing so many features and I have no clue what to do. Sigh.

              I also played with the Vivetool to check for ACM, and I have no idea how I can access "blooey's banding test chart". I tried looking it up but couldn't find anything.


                I can see banding with the ditherig+UHD graphics. Much more pleasant experience. I have instant pain with dGPU now with ColorControl still on. There is no banding… Bah.

                  Dadab12 is that with 240hz refresh rate on dgpu that is uncomfortable?

                  simplex yeah I haven't even used it yet I'm so afraid of a flareup lol. Mine is the 7i pro i9/4080


                  Is the experience still pleasant when you try gaming or anything that activates the dGPU while you MUX bios settings is still in "dynamic"?

                  With ditherig, did you use the "identify GPU by questions..." feature? You may have to do that to make sure ditherig is correctly working. From this post: https://ledstrain.org/d/665-ditherig-straw-poll/31

                  5 months later

                  Hey there I wanted to reach out about the Intel Arc A770. I recently built a second computer in order to test out different GPUs and operating systems, so I don't mess with my current working safe PC.

                  Has anyone else looked into this Intel Arc A770 card to see if it can reduce symptoms by itself for different OS's? I am thinking of purchasing one to test out for Windows 11 and different versions of Linux. So far, my second PC that has an AMD 5700 XT still gives me the same eyestrain on different Linux distros, as well as Windows 11, even though I'm using the same monitor that I do with my safe Windows 10 PC.

                  I know that specific cards can impact the dithering as well.

                  Would this be the one to buy? https://www.neweggbusiness.com/product/product.aspx?item=9b-14-930-113

                  Here's another one on Amazon that might be easier to get a refund in the event that the eyestrain/dithering still persists even after the card is in use: https://www.amazon.com/Graphics-Phantom-256-bit-7680x4320-DisplayPort-Cooling/dp/B0CDM3QK7Q

                  Does anyone know if it matters which one? Slowly but surely trying to figure this out 😃
