DisplaysShouldNotBeTVs This is really interesting and once again validates my own research and just what I've noticed when I go to buy and try things. Do you have a particular setup that you feel is eyesafe for you?
Also, do you have any predictions of how things might be in 4-5 years? My assumption is that GPU manufacturers will keep doing exactly what they've always done and basically "we sell the prettiest picture" and since the majority of people are not sensitive to this kind of thing (even though I've had people tell me their eyes have gotten worse in just the last year due to screens), they wouldn't be motivated to do anything that could the few of us who suffer like this. There was another post I saw where someone was able to make Windows 11 comfortable by basically completely disabling a bunch of settings (https://ledstrain.org/d/2421-windows-11-eyestarin-and-headches) - I have been wanting to try this out but naturally when I try to install Windows 11 on a secondary drive, I run into tons of issues preventing the install from being successful haha.
I'm not the biggest fan of a "wait and see and hope" approach to these manufacturers who run the show, but I've also seen that some people will have some luck with the same OS or configuration on one machine or GPU/monitor and then it has little effect on another set of hardware. So is it possible that some GPUs and monitor combinations are handling it better than others? I don't think there's much we can do for kernels and video drivers to tweak things to prevent all of this happening is there? At least not for Windows and Mac OSX heh.