Hello. I started experiencing strange effects from new hardware some time in 2018-2019. At first it was with a 4K monitor which I returned. I don't remember the brand, but it would give me noticeable eye strain. For the most part I would get dry eyes, but if I remember correctly also brain fog and spaced out feeling. Later I tried buying a gaming laptop. It was a Lenovo Legion laptop with a 3070 graphics card in it. I experienced the same thing and returned that also. For a while I just stuck to old hardware, but when my old Syncmaster monitor from 2007 kicked the bucket, I was in a bad situation. I tried a couple different ones, like the one I mentioned, but I seemed to experience these ill effects with pretty much all new monitors. I never had any issues with TV's, smartphones or anything else though, it appeared to only be with monitors.

Fast forward to recently I decided to build a new PC since I finally found an old monitor I could tolerate. I figured that if I would get no ill effects from using that with the new PC, I would have ruled out GPU or OS issues and could start looking for a nice 4k monitor that could take advantage of my new 4080 super build. However, I did notice feeling a bit spaced out while using the new PC, even though the monitor was the same, and with my old pc I never had an issue.

The difference from before though is that I don't experience what I personally would describe as "eye strain" in that I don't feel dryness or discomfort in my eyes. Now it's all brain fog and spaced out feeling. Although the colors and the light have a "thick" or "harsh" feeling to it, compared to what I would experience with my old PC with the same monitor.

Yesterday, I bought a Samsung Odyssey G7 monitor. Initially I felt no difference from using the PC with the old monitor I could handle, but I did experience slight nausea later in the day in addition to the brain fog and spaced out, flu-like feeling.

This leads me to believe that there is something fishy going on in the PC hardware, or even in the OS. There seems to be so many variables at play it appears to be almost impossible to detect what exactly is causing the discomfort. I've tried to figure out how to disable dithering in the OS and GPU, but I don't seem to find any definitive guide on how to do that. Maybe someone on this forum knows any clues to figure out exactly what triggers my discomfort?

My apologies for the length of this post and thank you very much for taking the time to read it.

    Brain fog could be a ton of things. Rule out neck problems and posture, so try moving and stretching to see if it clears. Also try some deep breaths, sugar, and water with salt when it starts to see if that resolves it pretty fast. If you drink coffe you can also try citicoline as that has a remarkable effect on brain fog if acethylcholine is involved.

    Sounds like a 'silent migraine', that's a migraine without the pain but with all the other effects.


    I connected it to my new PC build with the 4080 super. The brain fog symptoms were present when using the old monitor with this new build, a monitor which I tolerated perfectly when connected to my old PC(GTX 1080). With the new monitor it's pretty much the same, except from slight nausea after a couple hours of use. I use a computer for work and gaming, and with my old setup I could use it all day with no problems.

    It leads me to believe that there is some software issue. Something programmed in the OS, GPU or BIOS like some have suggested in other threads in this forum. I tried connecting this new PC to the old monitor which I always tolerated, to my 4k TV which gives me no issues otherwise, and to this new 4k monitor. In all instances, everything feels very "glowy" or harsh, and text is difficult to read. Maybe it is dithering causing it, and that's why the text is difficult to focus on.

    In regards to the monitor in question, the Samsung Odyssey G7 28" 4k monitor, have anyone here tried it out and had success with it?

    Are you using HDR mode? If yes and if your monitor is using FRC this could trigger your symptoms.

      username_1 There seems to be so many variables at play it appears to be almost impossible to detect what exactly is causing the discomfort

      True 🙂

      I tested my equipment ( z390mb + z690 mb, 2k 165hz panel + FHD 1080p 2015y panel monitors, gtx1060/rtx2070s/rtx3080/rtx3080ti (+4060 in laptop) ) in different combinations, and settled on:

      z390 + rtx2070s + 2015y FHD monitor

      madmozg I've gone through the monitor settings and I can't find any HDR option in there.

      I am suffering from a similar issue with my PC that I built in February. I've been through 3 monitors and still I get eye strain from it. I think it is undoubtedly something hardware related. No idea what, but I would guess the GPU? I'm not the most technically savvy person though and I've seen posts saying it could be MB, OS or other software related things.

      I am so tired of it. It's killing my eyes and has caused me long term issues. The only way I feel better is if i stay off of the PC for a month. I can still watch TV for hours, use my phone all day without any issues. It is something in that PC I just have no idea what!

      username_1 I can only suggest to work on these factors:

      • Computer vision syndrome.
      • EMF from Wifi
      • Burnout
      • Posture and lack of physical activity
      • Psychological issues that now are affecting neurology
      • General aging and change in vision
      • Software or hardware issues. But should be objectively measured with flicker devices and light temperature devices, as well as possible EMF or dirty electricity.

      As simple as that 🙂
