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Gurm I am right there with you man. I think I may have already lost a job, a last chance, once in a lifetime job, because I wasn't able to get this and another medical issue sorted for the last months. Everything about my life is shit right now and I needed this to have any chance at a future. I know JTL is working on the dithering thing, but I am not sure if that is even my or our problem and since nothing else has been it's hard to have hope. I used to love to technology and learning....but now I am so anxious and angry both when I have to use a computer, phone etc. All my "good" devices are breaking and depracating SW wise. Hope is in short supply...but as of today I am still here.
If you do end up having a convergence issue (any OD should be able to tell you if you ask them to check it, just get the cheapest frames they have and ask them to put the prism lenses (which the doctor should recommend) in them. That will instantly tell you if fixing convergence will be helpful. If it helps then you can fork out the time and money for vision therapy but there is no need to spend a ton on fancy frames or therapy without first seeing if its your problem.
JTL I will just buy the whole capture card myself now if it gets this going any faster. If anyone wants to pitch in and repay a little later they can. If you aren't sure that card will work or they aren't replying, please suggest alternatives and people to call and ask so we can get this going. If you email me with what to ask them spec-wise I can make calls Monday. I see myself reflected in Gurm's words and I bet we aren't the only two on the edge like this.