I have faith, most days, that someone out there knows about these issues - I see LED street signs coming down and being replaced with less damaging ones. I see car dashboards that I can tolerate replacing ones I can't. Is my tolerance building? Maybe. I had to put an LED light on my stove, and it's... manageable. I will buy a real incandescent next time I'm out, but for now this will do.
I was at Microsoft Ignite this week and saw displays I could look at. Maybe not for long periods, but some. They were all running the VERY LATEST hardware and software. I saw an XBox One X that was ... tolerable. It was running on an HP monitor.
I also saw things I couldn't tolerate. Horrible blue LED revolving shapes, just general bullshit all around. The giant screens outside a sports bar in Universal's City Walk? Utterly dreadful. But the LED TV's all over the inside? Just fine.
So in short, I think we're going to get there eventually. It might just take a while. And having to tough it out will take some doing. But hey, marijuana is legal in MA now recreationally, so I should be able to get the tinctures that should relax me enough to be functional. And I need to get back to karate, lose these pounds I've packed on, because sinking into my martial art always helps.
I'll soldier on, best I can, as long as I can.