Gleb So initially after trying to follow the instructions I realised I didn't have Xcode installed. I tried to download from the App Store but it required that I upgraded AppleOS. So I've upgraded the system to latest Catalina.
The Grep | Intel list looks the same >
However when trying to allow permissions to the Directory/plist file it said something to the effect of 'read only directory'. I ran csr disable in recovery after the Catalina upgrade, so maybe there's another security feature that needs to be disabled first?
I opened the plist file direct in Xcode here > - but I couldn't find any FeatureControl option.
I did change the colour profile to Standard RGB, but didn't install SwitchResX.
Here is a pic of the test page > - I can see a gradient which is strange.
If there's anything you can suggest I will give it a shot - thanks for your help so far. (Glad to know it's working for you at least).