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Instructions on how to use the "Ditherig" program to help with flickering on the T480s or other intel or amd graphics pcs (not for nvidia gpus). Worth trying.
Instructions on how to use the "Ditherig" program to help with flickering on the T480s or other intel or amd graphics pcs (not for nvidia gpus). Worth trying.
photon78s The forum member DisplaysShouldNotBeTVs mentioned the 2012 Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga with Win8.1 as safe here:
FYI, the laptop is only completely safe when ditherig.exe is running with disable all dithering functions checked
By default, without ditherig there is some temporal dithering that I can notice that interferes with reading long lines of text (although even by default it's still better than so many other laptops lol)
But thankfully, it can be entirely disabled with ditherig and become an entirely safe laptop!
Tinkering with the Legion, I noticed that the colors, brightness changes when I switch between modes (quiet, balanced and performance). The best mode for my eyes in quiet. I don't understand what is happening.
Also, I'm pretty sure my eyes like the UHD graphics more than the dGPU option. Especially on quiet mode.
There is also a possibility that something changes when i unplug the laptop from the battery source. I'm trying to figure out how to configure the laptop so it doesn't change monitor settings when switching between all modes. I know there is an option, but can't figure it out.
Is the iGPU HD Graphics 4000 or similar?
Very important that you point out that has eye effects. It sounds to me quiet mode, by prioritizing energy saving and less fan noise, modifies the graphics routines as well?
Previously, the performance modes is something I leave on balanced all the time. In quiet mode, I don't like the power button LED turning blue.
So now you prefer the dynamic bios setting over discrete? Unplugging does sets limits for performance and tells the gpu and cpu it will not have enough power to play with. Like setting quiet mode, not sure it has an impact on dithering that I have to look into. Unplugged, you will not have access to performance mode only balanced and quiet?
Do you have the latest BIOS updates? Perhaps, it would be good to check if you can rollback to older BIOS version in case some update causes undesired changes. Their should be a setting in BIOS to enable rollback called "BIOS Flash Back" or something similar for your model.
Similarly, my T480s is comfortable and running on and only has UHD graphics of an older generation (UHD Graphics 620 versus Intel UHD Graphics 770 for your Legion)
photon78s Yeah it's HD 4000. No strain at all after running ditherig though
sorry, whats your full win build number?
If it is not too much to ask, what is the panel model of the display (non frc 8 bit or 6 bit?). Perhaps hwinfo, aida64, or similar programs would reveal that.
This is my panel version for legion 7i 2023 16IRX8H
BOE NE160QDM-NZ3 or BOEhydis NE160QDM-NZ3
photon78s I don't know what mine is. I'm so scared to try the legion I am still in a flareup idk why!! I'm going to get a upper cervical adjustment with the atlas orthogonal technique soon and see if it helps. My C1 and c3/4 seem to have alot of instability, doesn't hold long. Eyes are very blurry/slight double vision at the moment.
So is the Intel UHD graphics better to use on quiet mode then?
I personally don't feel a difference between quiet mode and balanced running on iGPU or discrete. Looks like Dadab12 prefers iGPU and quiet mode. I have found that ditherig works or at least has an visual effect on the iGPU of my 7i using blooey's banding test chart. Disabling all dithering in ditherig produces noticeable light red and greenish artifacts. Enabling temporal dithering from ditherig produces naked eye visible waves moving across the 7 to 12 bit bands (maybe even 6 bit band hard to see). This effect is visible only in 60hz mode.
I pray everything goes well with your procedure!
photon78s it's so frustrating because I won't know what works if I don't try but then if I flare up I'll feel even worse than I do now for weeks to months since it takes awhile to recover. I think that hp omen 27q true 8 bit that I have may be a safer option so that's what I should test soon now that it's after Easter lol. Just gotta decide between my precision 7820 xeon 4216 /rtx 5000, 13600k/Intel arc a770, or 10900kf/rtx 4000. I guess to is decide on what OS to run. I'm leaning towards win7 to start and then 1809 maybe after?
I did get a rtx 4090 MSI suprim X recently for my crypto mining rig so I'll have that to test
...eventually... Lol
The legion unsure if that's a good option right now.
I appreciate that brother
I can tell when my neck is out of alignment because my vision will be more blurry as well as other symptoms. Good tell sign visually is looking in a mirror and noticing if one shoulder is lower than the other. I guess too if one leg is longer than the other. Do you have neck issues btw?
photon78s Not sure what exact panel, but I know that it's a 6bit panel (which by default, is temporally dithered to 8bit entirely by the GPU, and not by the panel itself, quite uniquely)
This means that even this "FRC" can be entirely disabled with ditherig.exe, which will reveal the panel's true 6bit form. Suddenly banding will appear everywhere, even on photo wallpapers, with RGB precision cut in half.
Which makes it very clear that it is a 6bit panel and can actually be used in "true 6bit" if dithering is disabled
BTW just as a disclaimer I do suspect the display does have some level of PWM — but for whatever reason it does not seem to hurt text readability, focus, or productivity for me at all despite me usually having problems with pretty much all other PWM on TVs, phones, monitors, and lightbulbs.
It was already generally good for the 11 years I've owned it, and it's only became even better after finally realizing I could disable dithering — since now, not even long lines of text shimmer at all!
May not the best choice for someone like jordan though with a lot more serious symptoms from PWM.
But for me, it checks all the boxes for being able to see a ton on the screen at once, think productively, stay focused, not get tired, use the computer fast without getting motion sick at all — it just totally works for me for some reason.
Maybe it's due to some different style of scanning used for the PWM instead of the whole screen flashing at the same time? Or maybe it just has a much more comfortable backlight spectrum? No idea, but it's dither-free — and if it works, it works.
My man, I have Ehlers Danlos, so I know neck instability.
I have so many weird eye symptoms. Extreme visual snow, double vision that comes and goes, vision that at times is much worse than others.
It's a terrible predicament to be in.. I also have more health problems and I can barely think clearly at this point. I have dementia like symptoms.
Anyways, I hope you get your spine better. I think i'm a lost cause lol. And i'm in so much agony trying to figure out what I should do with this laptop, return it or not. It also underperforms below average and the battery life even on the intergrated graphics and 60hz is sub par. And the Wi-Fi sucks. I do wonder if I should try to exchange it for another legion, perhaps it's a laptop/panel lottery.
Also, can I fresh install windows without being fucked by the return policy/warranty?
What other laptops are available that are strong enough? I don't want to be relegated to an old laptop.
So you like it better than your Macbooks? What is the reason you are still trying to get Macbooks to work for you? just the MacOS or the ecosystem?
To emphasize, it should not at all affect the laptop's warranty. The warranty info on the ditherig site only means that the guy who wrote this software program does not offer warranty for his software.
About other "strong enough" laptops, check out this discussion with the Asus Strix laptops: