I'm thrilled with your approach to the display and can't wait to try it. I've been on a quest to optimize my reading experience across various devices. Right now, I'm excited about my new OLED iPad with the nanotexture coating. Based on my in-store experiences, it's been fantastic at reducing glare (one of my issues), almost like e-ink. It should arrive in June.

I also use a Boox Tab Ultra C and keep my desktop's OLED displays on dark mode for better reading. I still have fond memories of the Palm Pilot days and their displays. I'm excited to see how your device enhances the reading experience.


I would love to have this! I’m trying to finish my degree and I also have eye trouble with most devices at the moment, so all of that is on pause. If this works for me that would be amazing!!

I'm a video editor and bought the Dasung Colour eink as my fall back just incase… but it's not really possible to video edit on the Dasung, if there was ability to use yours as a monitor it looks like it would work perfectly for video editing!!

The product seems interesting, I hope it be successful so the technology could develop more and be accessible to more users

I've been using a Remarkable 1 since its original release and have been looking for an upgrade. Curious to see how this turns out.

Stoked on this device. I'm a software engineer and spend a lot of time reading on my kindle about various technologies and tech related news. However, not being able to watch videos or scroll the web easily is a hindrance. Would love to try this out

I'm always was a lover of E-Ink technology. And all device made with that technology for me was always a destruction free things. But one thing that always destruct me in this "destruction free" devices is re-rendering pages. Yesterday I saw you device for a first time. And I immediately felt in love. I want to try it so hard, but sadly for now can't afford it. I was never winner in such "giveaways", so usually I'm not even trying. But I so hyped with this Daylight, so I decided to try my luck once again. Because it's looks unbelievable, I'm still not fully believe my eyes that this is E-Ink. I'm skeptical, but really want to try it out. Maybe this device and this type of display will be problem solver for me. I hope for the first time I'll win this giveaway 🙂


Would love to test this product or maybe even win the giveaway. This it what social media company’s don’t want since it doesn’t have bright exciting content. Happy to see you guys creating this

Eagerly awaiting some reviews of this one, and maybe, being a lucky winner!
Will it be available at any brick and mortar stores? I live in NYC, and trying one out in person sounds wonderful.


I stumbled upon Daylight DC-1 because I came across a tweet yesterday debating that the device is too cool to be real. Decided to do some reading and it does seem doable.

Is this the same (but upgraded) display tech that has powered calculators and digital watches for a long time?
