I have been able to adapt to some devices which previously caused me strain. One phone in particular went from mildly/moderately painful to fine in a few weeks when I was left with no other option. In my opinion, my eye strain/migraines are caused by my brain not being able to properly render flickering/dithering/polarised input from my eyes into a coherent image. The brain is able to learn and re-model itself to an extent, it makes some sense that over time I might learn how to render a particular screens output and thus stop experiencing pain. Maybe the visual processing bit of my brain is smaller than it should be or something.
I've been wondering how and why I adapt to some devices and not others. In general the phones I have been able to adapt to all had small screens, and because I am not much of a smartphone user I rarely look at the screen for more than 30seconds to check message etc. Perhaps its the small screen size, perhaps its not looking at the screen for long at a time. Could be that too much pain for too long inhibits the adaption process, could just be that there are limits to what I can adapt too.
I may in the future experiment with a new graphics card and see if I can adapt to it by only looking at for short periods of time. Or by covering most of my monitor with card so I am only looking at a very small area of screen.