machala Yeah i think this plays a part in the eye strain especially since theres a difference in general image quality from switching from a K4200 to a A4000. I can try writing there but i doubt they will take it seriously unless enough people join in and complain.
HAL9000 The exact revision is "GA104-875-A1" and it seems closest to the RTX 3070 TI(GA104-400-A1) and the RTX 3070 TI 16GB which never was actually released, I wonder if all GA104 based GPU's will cause the same symptoms or if moving up to a GA102(RTX 3080, 3090, A5000) based GPU would be any better. It was reported here that a RTX 3090 gave @screengazer eyestrain so it seems like maybe the GA102 series will cause the same symptoms.
It sounds like you have similar experience with your 3060 Ti as im having with my A4000, i tried raising the sharpness in the control panel and it helped a very small about amount but still not usable for me.
I have a RTX 4000 based on the TU104 GPU arriving soon which comes with Samsung VRAM, i really hope it will be free of eyestrain. If that fails ill try a RTX 5000 after that and see what happens. The 5700 XT's ive tried have been the worst so far though.