Oshim Hello, please could you share all methods you use to disable windows udpates that work for you 100%?
I use these two methods but it is not enough to stop some updates:
Method 1:
Edit group policy/Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Windows Update:
- Configure Automatic Updates = Disabled
- Do not include drivers with Windows Updates = Enabled
Method 2: Task Manager/Services/Open Services/Windows Update = Manual
However these two methods are not enough because from time to time some Quality Updates, Other Updates, Security Update for Microsoft Windows and Servicing Stack install automatically silently in the background without me knowing. I just notice it after few days or weeks when I check my "View update history".
I have another question regarding your eyesight. Please can you confirm whether you have myopia (nearsightedness = doctor prescribes minus lenses) or hyperopia (farsightedness = doctor prescribes plus lenses)? I ask this because I wonder if the same type of eye strain which people suffer on this forum can only get person with hyperopia or also a person with myopia. My theory is that only people with hyperopia are those who get eye strain because their ciliary muscles (eye focusing muscles) have to work hard when looking at close objects for prolonged time (monitor, smartphone, book,...).
In case someone does not know difference between myopia or hyperopia, here are two explanation videos: