The version of Mesa that version of the distro uses is 22.2.1 with kernel 5.19. Mesa is where they put the gpu drivers these days. So that card probably will have similar results with other distros using Mesa 22.2.1 and up. I know a lot of updates went into 23.0 for AMD, so it will be interesting to see how it goes.

5 days later
Monitor:       ViewSonic VA2761-2K-HD (27 inch)
Panel:         VA panel (8 bit)
Resolution:    2560 * 1440
Brightness:    100%
Refresh rate:  60hz
Graphics Card: Intel Arc A380 Index 6G
OS:            Arch linux(kernel version 6.2.7)
Eyestrain:     No eyestrain feel confirmed, i can read for a whole day.

I changed my graphics card from AMD to intel, because I doubt the eyestrain feel is also concerned with graphics card.

It turns out AMD card produces eyestrain. Please use Intel card and avoid AMD in Linux operating system.

I also tried ubuntu 23.04, no eyestrain feel.

    eDenon-2 changed the title to [Test] My several monitor and graphics card test .
    3 months later
    Monitor:       ViewSonic VA2761-2K-HD (27 inch)
    Panel:         VA panel (8 bit)
    Resolution:    2560 * 1440
    Brightness:    100%
    Refresh rate:  60hz
    Graphics Card: Gigabyte AMD Radeon RX 6400
    OS:            Arch linux(kernel version 6.4.1) - gnome 44.2
    Eyestrain:     Eyestrain feel exists, dont buy any AMD card.

    Like the RX550, this AMD RX6400 hurt eyes. For linux, there is an alternative choice - the intel Arc series card.

    4 months later
    Monitor:       ViewSonic VA2761-2K-HD (27 inch)
    Panel:         VA panel (8 bit)
    Resolution:    2560 * 1440
    Brightness:    100%
    Refresh rate:  60hz
    Graphics Card: intel Arc A380
    OS:            Ubuntu 23.10 - Gnome 45.0
    Eyestrain:     Totally eye strain free.

    I used Archlinux for a very long time, now I turn to Ubuntu, the result is making me happy, the white on the screen is so soft and I didn't feel eyestrain any more. Great.

    4 months later
    Monitor:       ViewSonic VX2758-2K-PRO (27 inch)
    Panel:         Fastips panel (8 bit)
    Resolution:    2560 * 1440
    Brightness:    100%
    Refresh rate:  180hz
    Graphics Card: intel Arc A380
    OS:            Ubuntu 23.10
    Eyestrain:     Has eye strain feel.

    Dont buy IPS display, IPS hurt eyes.

    Wow so arc is really safe like I thought! Can you test the arc with win10 or win11?

      I see you're using Linux, which is interesting. The hardware - driver issue amdgpu vs mesa (open source drivers that include intel integrated and dedicated gpus) seem to be the problem with your eyestrain. We should not discredit AMD cards right away, though. Have you tried other OS using AMD GPUs?
      My personal experience as a Linux user on a Samsung SJ55W 34'' super ultrawide VA-panel monitor is similar, though… I recently switched to an Intel ARC A770 card and the eyestrain symptoms were not as pronounced. The monitor is still giving my eyes lots of trouble, especially glare (needs to be in a dark room with bias light). Still learning about what might cause the issue, maybe the width of the screen messes my eyes too and I need to sit much farther away than with my default dell 23'' p2314h ips (about 8 years old) which doesn't give me eyestrain …
      I always need to set the brightness to the lowest, my eyes can't stand higher levels at all… I haven't tried any of the newer technologies and to say I'm a bit scared to try and buy it after using samsung which probably messed up my eyes significantly…

        zimci Do you wear glasses? Have you tried to change a pair of glasses? I won't buy samsung products, because my previous macbook pro (samsung display) gives me very bad eyestrain feeling.

          Monitor:       ViewSonic VX2758-2K-PRO (27 inch)
          Panel:         Fastips panel (8 bit)
          Resolution:    2560 * 1440
          Brightness:    100%
          Refresh rate:  180hz
          Graphics Card: Gigabyte AMD RX6400
          OS:            Ubuntu 23.10
          Eyestrain:     Eye strain exist.

          Dont use AMD card, eye strain still exists.

          I just built a PC as I'm experimenting with moving away from Apple and their flickering displays and wow AMD cards are awdul. I have now tried both the built-in UHD 730 and then a RX 5500 XT and the AMD card gave me almost instantaneous sore, dry eyes, a headache, nausea and neck pain within minutes as I tried to change settings and to turn off dithering by outputting native 8bit and limiting colour. This is on a PWM-free display with Windows 11. The Intel iGPU is currently tolerable but I'm still testing.

            languidicity Try Windows 10 versions 21H2, 21H1, 20H2, 2004, and 1809.1098 and see if any of those versions remove the strain with the 5500 XT. Its also worth trying Linux with that 5500 XT.


              Thanks. I’m still testing things but have now sent the 5500 XT back. I couldn’t disable dithering or get a signal output from it that felt useable so unfortunately this rules out AMD cards for me right now. I have a RTX 3060 on the way so will see what happens with that.

              I have considered Windows 10 but in the first instance I am persevering with Win11 as I want to get to a place computing-wise where I can at least hope for a settled ecosystem in the mid-term. Tangentially my reason for wanting to move away from Apple is that even though right now there are workarounds and mitigations to their flickering screens - I have an iPhone 11 that I’m comfortable enough with and as per another thread dithering can now be disabled in macOS - they are moving to OLEDs across their entire product portfolio in the next few years and have scaled back their Mini-LED development as well (for now). So no point in sticking with Apple as I wouldn’t be able to use any of their upcoming devices outside of desktop Mac’s and even then I couldn’t hinge my hopes on the software workaround to disable dithering to work indefinitely. Which brings me back to Windows 10 as that will be EOL next year, which is too soon to build things around. I would like a solution now while I’m changing things wholesale as otherwise I’ll only have to go through all of this again next year if I go with Win10. Also I’m planning for this desktop build to be only something of a short term solution itself for my primary computing needs and want a laptop at some point. MacBooks are ruled out and new laptops are exclusively Win11. Not only that but with these AMD issues I’m wary of getting an AMD laptop so my options are narrowing. And I only have so much time, money and energy for this stuff. Windows 11 and Android at least give me options and the ability to choose specific screens and more granular control over display characteristics than Apple. But it’s undoubtedly a minefield.

              It’s unfortunate that Linux isn’t an option as I like the idea of it but there is software I use which is exclusive to Windows/macOS.

              Anyway I will post back once the RTX 3060 is installed.

              zimci arc still going good in Linux? Any specific settings ?

                eDenon-2 I'm farsighted. Spent my youth in front of CRTs and later LCDs. I stopped using glasses in college (20 years ago), got used to reading extensively without glasses but mainly physical books and under good natural lightning. Always use bias lights and have a Dell U series CCFL monitor back in Slovenia which I set to really low brightness. My problems with light refraction began a couple of years ago after I played around with new tech. Dell P2313H (IPS W-LED) is still pretty good on my eyes, I'm currently testing a dual U2415 setup now and the problem is the panels seem to have different coating and this could be a problem too.
                However there seems to be a small correlation with going from Nvidia GTX670 to AMD RX cards, but can't confirm (correlation is not causation)… All in all I think cables, video cards, refresh rate can all impact people differently.
                I suppose I should consider seeing an eye doctor to get my eyes checked, considering I'm moving into a middle-aged period of my life and being pretty busy with "office work" recently.

                jordan I can't confirm, because I haven't been using ARC GPU for 2 months now. I remember though that when I played with two of my setups in 2 different settings (rooms) with two monitors I had the following impressions:

                Setup1 @ Room1 (AMD GPU)
                Enclosed without direct sunlight, smaller desk, monitor closer to eyes
                Intel CPU, AMD R9 380

                Setup2 @ Room2
                AMD CPU, Intel A770 (Intel GPU)
                Southern side, curtains need to be closed for optimal work experience, monitor can be set quite far away.

                Both setups use bias lightning.

                Dell P2314 23'' IPS WLED

                Samsung SJ55W 34'' VA WLED

                I've been moving things around during my December gaming spree and found out I cannot use Monitor 2 in the Setup 1. I was simply getting strained really fast and later opted to pair it with Setup 2. I never thought about that the problem might be with the graphics card (dithering problems?).

                I also used the Monitor 1 with Setup 2 for an extensive gaming period (1 month) and really close to my eyes. The problem was not as big knowing I spent about 3 weeks in half a day gaming.

                I'm using the 1st setup with 1st monitor for office now and 2nd setup with 2nd monitor for gaming (no time now).
                The setup I like and use the most for browsing is actually a JMGO O1 Pro LED projector (Monitor 3) in the living room PC with Intel iGPU (Setup 3 @ Room 3). It doesn't strain my eyes and I usually fall asleep early watching movies or even browsing the web.

                The fourth testing ground is in my office at work, which is naturally lit on the northern side. I just bought a dual Dell U2415 (Monitor 4), but I am using an AMD RX550 card (Setup 4). Been experiencing lots of eyestrain, dryness days after and mild headaches, just by looking at the monitor, but this might be to various reasons:

                • Eyes not yet adapted to the new monitor(s)
                • Different coating on the monitors (one is 5 levels brighter and has a brighter color profile too -> spent an hour calibrating)
                • used to have problems with flicker on the right side of a brighter monitor, but narrowed it down to a "faulty" DP to miniDP cable
                • Positioning of the monitors
                • GPU

                Hope this helps with finding solutions to some of the questions regarding eyestrain / GPU use in Linux.
