gabigreenhorn Initially I felt enabling hidpi gave me strain. But now, I am feeling comfortable enabling hidpi. we have to basically play with different options in better display, different options in colour profiles and find best working combination. This may change person to person.
I found another solution. This is mostly for folks who have working windows setup (good setup without eyestrain) in personal PC but want to use MacBook for office use. Mostly office laptops are locked to install new softwares and you have to mandatorily upgrade OS frequently. My idea was to use Video capture card plug to Macbook, output the video to Windows PC into a OBS studio and see your macbook screen streamed to Windows PC. This setup is also working for me really good. I have 1 working windows setup with intel i5 config ( 11 year old driver ). I have disabled all windows upgrade on this PC. I stream the Office Macbook screen to this personal pc and able to work on office macbook comfortably. But drawback is, I can use this setup only during work from home. While in office, I use the better display software to use Macbook. For now, with all these tricks, I am managing my software engineering job. Totally all these sucks. My career at risk any time if any of these tricks breaks.
I will shortly post a separate thread with detailed setup of this.