Hello Everyone,
I posted this as a reply to another thread, and think it is worth posting as its own topic:
I have recently started experimenting with something new and have been obtaining very interesting results.
The method is to hold a medium sized rock in your hand while using the device, or afterwards after the appearance of symptoms.
My speculation is that those of us who have this problem do not have sufficient connection with the earth. There are negative energies that are emitted by these devices which we do not sufficiently understand, and which are probably not sufficiently measurable with the means currently available to us. The connection with the earth, or grounding to the earth, serves to flush out a certain amount of these energies. For those of us in whom this natural connection to the earth is lacking to a sufficient degree for whatever reason, the energies are not flushed out and thus give rise to the various and variegated symptoms that we all report. I speculate that the reason no one has been able to find a root cause or causes for this problem on this forum over its 10 plus years of existence is that we are looking in the wrong place, and because this root cause is not sufficiently measurable or materially ascertainable at the present time.
Holding a rock appears to help with this grounding, this connection to the earth. I have only began experimenting with this yesterday. The results so far: holding a medium-sized rock after a mildish but definitely noticeable trigger (looking briefly a few times at my Samsung tablet screen, which if I'm not very careful causes me terrible symptoms) resulted in the disappearance of the symptoms after a short time. Holding the same rock while reading text continuously for some time on my laptop screen lessened the symptoms compared to what they would usually be, but mild symptoms appeared nonetheless. After then looking away from the screen and continuing to hold the rock, the symptoms disappeared after a relatively short time.
Note that the size of the rock I have been using is roughly that of a tennis ball, and is somewhat heavy to hold in the hand (but not uncomfortably so).
I'm sure many people are going to find this method strange, and inexplicable within the framework of the current predominant positivist, scientistic worldview.
If you would like to give it a go and, together with me, give this a trial run, I would be very interested to hear your results.