• Health
  • Significant improvements from probiotics. Some "bad" screens are now tolerable.

My sensitivity to screens, and general brain fog gets worse after food. And REALLY bad after certain kinds of food. On top of that, I get runny nose/skin issues etc.
IF YOU'RE ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO** looks at screens with one eye closed or whatever, and experience relief from that - you can just skip this post altogether. For all I know, we don't even have the same health condition.

Anyhow, since some of my symptoms are allergy-like. I've stumbled upon a theory that this is a result of gut dysbiosis and bad bacteria pumping out histamine that's clouding my brain.

Long story short, you can watch this guy's videos, he explains it pretty well (no affiliation, and I never paid him for his private courses):


Anyway, I've been eating this stuff (once again, no affiliation) over the past several months:

This particular formula has none of the histamine-producing bacteria. All the strains are histamine-degrading, or histamine-neutral (interestingly, your average probiotic formula in your average store typically has strains that are all over the place - some that degrade histamine, some that produce it).

It was important to start with a very small dose, because initially I tried a decent size scoop, and it made all the symptoms MUCH worse - horrible brain fog. But, at this point I can take 6 scoops a day - no problem.

At this point, I've consumed 125 grams of this shit, and as a result, my skin got better, I no longer get eczema type reaction from eating bread, and most of the TV screens around the house that were giving me brain fog/eye strain are now tolerable. My worst screen - an old iPad that used to be quite tolerable, but became HELLISH after I updated the OS used to give me a sharp eye pain within 15 seconds. After the probiotics, I no longer feel an immediate sharp eye pain, but rather a slowly increasing unpleasant head feeling that becomes bad about 20 minutes in. So - not cured by any chance, but 15 seconds to 20minutes counts as a major improvement in my book. Also, car lights don't bother me that much now.

If any of you had their symptoms start when you came off of/started a new diet, had food poisoning, took a course of antibiotics, this could well be worth looking into. As well as if you have allergies, skin issues, or noticed that some foods make you more sensitive to screens. As well as if your symptoms get better when you fast for a day or two.

There was some guy on this forum who had almost exactly the same food sensitivities as I do (I've interacted with him in an earlier post). For someone like that this could be something to look into.


6 days later

My theory is that one possible cause of eye strain from displays is muscle spasms in the eyes.

Histamine can cause muscle spams.

This is very interesting because I have really bad histamine intolerance. I try to avoid high histamine foods, but I also have some other food issues so it can be tricky. (I suspect gut dysbiosis for my other issues as well after reading Fiber Fueled by Will Bulsiewicz… everything popped up after a few rounds of antibiotics).

For what it's worth on your runny nose/skin issues… I had the same issue there as well and it all went away after giving up dairy.

    6 days later

    Sounds like you're experiencing Candida overgrowth which feeds on sugar and carbs, being why certain foods make your symptoms worse. I would look into that and maybe try a Candida diet and see how your symptoms persist. I know for me that's when all my eye problems started, after some rounds of anti-biotics and steroids which kill all bacteria, even good, thus creating an environment for the opportunistic Candida to take over. Everyone has Candida, but it should be in-balance with your good bacteria or it will take over and cause many issues. (Do your own research / Not medical advice)

      wlmsn Thanks. I am dairy free as it is. But yes, I know for a fact it's gut disbiosis in my case too. Do let us know as to your progress should you start fiddling with you microbiome via probiotics or otherwise.

      bz12 Thanks. I used to have candida issues in the past. But they weren't causing eye strain. Lactoferrin supplements (they bust candida biofilm very effectively and stimulate the growth of good bacteria) permanently cured my candida issues after only several months of taking them (interestingly enough this lactoferrin doesn't jive well with my current probiotic regiment at all - weird side effects).

      7 days later

      interesting- one of my new brain fog solutions is beano (alpha-galactose-ase). supposedly the gut bacteria that digest our beans, onions, etc for us are linked to allergies/histamine stuff. beano starves them out - easy/cheap to try.. definitely has an effect for me.

      I also have gut dysbiosis and SIBO, possibly candida. Have really weird symptoms likely because of this like eyestrain and post orgasmic illness syndrom.

      8 months later

      wlmsn is oats cause histomine intolerance ?i just search in google

      However, some studies have shown that oat products can inhibit the absorption of non-heme iron. This is because oats contain phytate, an antinutrient that binds to minerals like iron and zinc, making it harder for the body to absorb them. The heat treatment used to prevent rancidity in stored oats can also inactivate the endogenous phytase in oats, which can further reduce iron absorption. 

      i will try drink iron supplement today

        hansennnnn I don't believe oats do, though if you're sensitive to gluten like I am they are usually cross contaminated.

        Histamines are usually fermented foods, citrus, some dairy and a few other random things like avocado and chickpeas

          wlmsn yes maybe i have oat alergie or gluten alergie,oat can make deficit iron level because of phytate and i seldom eat red meat and this factors can cause anemia,anemia sympthom is headache and migraine and increase light sensitivity in this case phone screen or monitor screen,so i think there are connection

            hansennnnn iron does seem to be a bit of a suspect from a few posts on this forum. I'm going to have my iron and ferritin levels checked in mid Sept just to be sure.
