
  • Oct 14, 2022
  • Joined Sep 12, 2021
  • denise_eca Did you buy the glossy touchscreen one ? I have it too ( Uperfect Y ). It's pretty comfortable but there's a little flicker on it + it is 6 bits color depth ( i don't know if it's FRC or not ).

    It gives me eyestrain after an hour or so !!!

    • denise_eca Hello, I think it might be connected, as the heat in the body may release the muscle tension in the eyes, which is often the base of our problems. I have recently started going to a sauna regularly and I feel that it also helps with my eyes a lot. However, without the visual therapy I doubt that would really solve anything, as much as it serves as a good reset of the whole system.

      Feel free to check my blog, I try to summarize all that helped me there hoping it will help other people too -

      • Oh my goodness! I felt the thing exactly. The day I had my worst covid symptoms was the day I felt the most productive since I couldn't feel my headaches at all.

        I remember getting so much work done that day.

        Im not sure if we have the same type of headache, but have you been able to find something that has helped you so far?

        • Maybe it's because your immune system is very active at this moment and you're pumping lots of cortisol so that you can handle more easily anything that was threatening your body or health before. Having a fever is an immune system reaction.

        • I have a long history of sinus infections and inflammation. In the past, I noticed the onset of mild eyestrain coincidentally with sinus attacks. However, my eyes' condition has never been as bad as these days with no improvement - actually more of a constant decay - since last February, and I have not had once a sinus issue or a cold since early 2020, clearly because of the wearing of a mask and all the other COVID-related hygiene habits. I should add that my eye symptoms have become worse in spite of doing visual therapy for the past year and a half, and visiting specialists such as orthoptists and neuro-ophthalmologists, that I had never consulted before.

          So, no, I am not sure there is an evident link between my sinuses and my eye strain. Perhaps an illness such as a cold may aggravate my eyes' condition, but my eyestrain is definitely caused by other triggers than sinus inflammation.

          • denise_eca For me it’s the other way around, just before I get sick I can feel in my eyes that it hurts more. Then one or some hours later I can feel the fever/sickness.

            The last few days have been hot, and we have been in the cottage with old fans. My eyes doesn’t like that, and it feels like I have got an eye inflammation.

            I also have troubles with my sinuses, and I am not the only one on this forum with that. I think there is some people on this forum that have problems with there sinuses but haven’t discover that yet.

          • Can't speak to eyestrain, but I have noticed multiple times that itchy eczema stops when I have a fever. Feel better soon!

          • denise_eca I paid roughly 320 euros customs taxes on top of the 275 dollars shipping, so I would assume that it should be pretty similar to your destination. I think nobody would be surprised if I told them I was like "holy cannoli!" when I saw the Fedex bill.

            • denise_eca that's weird that you can't access it - try to google the company name and try to access their website like that, but they do sell and ship the monitor internationally (as for me, I bought it from Germany). The procedure of ordering it was a bit different for non-US customers, because their checkout form didn't allow to choose a destination outside of the US (don't know if they have changed it since then), but using their contact form and notifying them of the issue, they have taking good care to get my monitor shipped as soon as possible once I paid their invoice (unfortunately you have to expect to pay a hefty customs tax bill afterwards).

              Edit: I see I got ninja'd 😃 but it seems you still have to contact them directly for a non-US purchase.

              • With M1 macs there is graphical glitches. No problem with Intel Macs.

              • I haven't tried that (do not have a Dasung monitor) but from what I understand there have been issues of graphical glitches using it with Macs.

                I'm almost sure others here can chime in with more information.

              • degen

                I hope you are not the guys who only interested to show others that they lack the understanding of the problem. I know it's broad not a specific solution but i am sure that good percentage of visitors here have the same as mine.

                I didn't solve my problem in one day. My problem started slowing before 2010 and became very annoying in 2013. It lasted till now in terms of not tolerating some screens. It does not matter if it is a phone, tablet, laptop or monitor. All can give you the same problem but generally the smaller size is more tolerable. Most of the people i met having this problem solved by bluelight blockage plus brightness/ contrast and sharpness reduction. But and but, if you do all comfort setup and your room lighting say fluorescent light like such that a bluelight emitted, it would not help. The eye hurting from ambient lightning is something you need to consider before anything. I did two experiments and i can confirm that. That been said, monitors have different bluelight intensity even if you use more filter than a a previous comfortable setup. You might have a monitor looks like super warm using f.lux for example but doesn't help as another monitor which looks like normal color range(not much BL filtered).

                I adjusted some other parameters, monitor size makes difference.

                I would advise anyone to investigate thier problems and see if the bluelight is the main issue.

                I wasted my time before thinking these things like dithering and pwm are the issues but they are not. It's about the electronics and intensity of the light for a particular monitor. Those people who is having sensitivity from color algorithm if any are supposed to be low percentage and one should not assume he has the same thing.

                I can't recommend devices here but anyone who has the same issue can contact me privately to give him more details for phones or laptops that worked perfectly without issue. Also what the parameters that you have to change before using to get almost normal picture without any eye issue.

                Note that, some people who has bluelight sensitivity can feel some burning around the eye skin or face too.

                For those who have headaches only, i cannot provide any solution for them.

              • Every version of Windows 10 is unusable to me. Windows 7 is pain free for me. Unfortunatly there is no golden rule or guideline, you just need to keep tryig different setups until you find one that works for you

                Have you tried patching while using a PC that causes you issues? That has helped several of us

                • denise_eca Ah I'm French and Spanish, that's cool 🙂

                  Indeed, the website I used is also in Spain. I bought the 2009WT on backmarket ( for about 80€ with 2 years warranty, like-new. Of course compared to nowadays monitors, it's not a good price, but it was a lifesaver for me at work. There's something cool about backmarket, it's the fact we can send the product back in 30 days if we don't like it :

                  I see many monitors I could PERSONALLY use like these :


                  Globally, most monitors before LEDs appeared on the market, before 2012.

                  The second website I use is Leboncoin. It's a website to sell things between people in France, similar to Wallapop used in Spain. I bought my 2209WA for about 45€ on it. It's the one I'm using right now for teleworking.

                  Hope it helps

                  • Hello Denise.

                    Depending on your location and your triggers, my solution may not be helpful.

                    In my case, I can't find any relief on any LED monitors, whether it's supposedly flicker-free or or full of anti-blue light filters. Therefore, I depend on the refurbished market of old CCFL-backlit monitors. I managed to buy Dell 2209WA, 2009WT, and now I'm even looking for old CCFL 120Hz monitors for gaming, and Dell U2410 for work. Where I live in France, such refurbished market is quite strong, so I have many opportunities to find them. Even old 4:3 screens coming from companies or my friends and family are usable for me. They are not the "sexiest" screens out there but I can't complain, they are perfect for secondary monitors.

                    With CCFL monitors, I've been able to use W7, W10 with all versions (1809, 1909, latest 2HXX versions), and many Linux OS. I can work and play with them all day long with no issues.

                    I'm willing to try modern monitors like the ones described in this thread, but I already can't find any new phones and buying and sending them back is already tiring for me. I'll wait for such monitors

                    • My setup that works for me is:

                      GPU: Nvidia Quadro K4200 (these can be found on ebay for around $90 USD)
                      OS: Linux Mint / Windows 10 20H2. 
                      Monitor: Dell UP2720Q and U2720Q

                      Try to use Windows 10 1511 or Windows 7 if you can. Finding a good quality monitor that your eyes agree with is also very important. A lot of people report Nano IPS monitors cause them eyestrain so its probably best to avoid those type of monitors also.

                      • eyepatching is +1 confirmation for the dithering 'magic eye' fake 3-D problem hypothesis.
